Wee Win Toys 7″ Heroes of the Kingdom

In 1984 Houston, Texas based Wee Win Toys put out a 7″ line of Bible based action figures known as Heroes of the Kingdom. The figures have Lion Rock 7″ bodies and all accessories are removable, including their sandals, and unlike their competition in the 8″ format from Rainfall Toys known as the Bible Greats. Each figure or set came with a cassette tape that you could play and some had a read long book to follow along that told the story of each character. On the back, you had the option to cut out an index card with all of the important information on each character. It was marked, “Clip and save for your spiritual file.” for those of you who had one…huh??! In any case, the cards come of course with the religious invitations to find your salvation in Jesus…fair enough, but sometimes too much? Also to note is that the cards came in TWO different formats and logos…so yes, you haven’t finished getting the series until you have gotten them all! Card variations are below.

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Rona Tankard
Rona Tankard
1 year ago

How do I purchase these items?

Gordon Long
Gordon Long
6 months ago

Hmm some of these guys might be good to play with various Ape soldiers as ‘primitive humans to round up’!

1 month ago

Wee Win also made the Galatian Bears.