Lincoln International 8: Mr. Rock

If there is one knockoff that has been termed “rare” and “desirable, it is Lincoln International’s Star Trek rip off, Mr. Rock. You can also term this one of the most blatant rip offs of Mego’s 8” Star Trek series: Mr. Spock. Obviously back in the 1970s, this kind of occurrence was a lot easier to get away with! Sporting pointy ears, a space gun, a pink “tricorder” (which is just a pink plastic radio made for Mattel’s Barbie and Ideal’s Maddy figure, blue shirt, black pants, brown hair and a winged sticker in the middle of his chest. His space gun is nothing more than a knockoff of the 1970s GI Joe flare gun. His packaging was a bubble card with fantastic artwork. He cam in a few varieties: a smooth type shirt and a more ribbed/knit style as well.

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