Back in 1975, Excel Toys embarked on making a western line of figures based on real historical characters with realistic sculpting. These figures came in a window box with a sidecar to it. The 9.5″ scaled figures were meant to compete or complement the Gabriel Lone Ranger series. Each figure had their history on the back of the box and came with all of the necessary accessories. The original release boxes only contained 6 figures. Eventually, those 6 figures on the back became 11 and the cards were redesigned to accommodate this. The additional 5 figures were 4 females and one male. There are also carded versions of these figures but they are very rare. The figures used the same “trigger finger” style hand, similar to their 8″ Kojak figure. Accessories included very hard to find horses in brown and black Pinto. These figures also came packaged for Woolworth’s Woolco stores in boxes with no sidecar. These included only the 6 original figures pictured on the 6 picture box.
Original 6 Character Box:
Jesse James, Buffalo Bill Cody, Cochise, Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickock, Davey Crockett.
Redesigned 11 Character Box:
Jesse James, Buffalo Bill Cody, Cochise, Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickock, Davey Crockett, Annie Oakley, Belle Starr, Calamity Jane, Deadwood Dick, Pocahontas.
Excel Toys was later purchased by Empire Toys.
Standard Boxes:

Woolworth’s Woolco Boxes:

Horses AFTER Empire Toys Purchased Excel Toys: