Thanks to Rich Hurley, the creator of Dr. Durant’s Sanctum on YouTube (make sure you *LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE* to stay up to date with all of his great videos!)
for sending in pics of his Collegeville Jaws costumes from his personal collection. Jaws was incredibly popular back in the 1970s, particularly 1975-76 and on. I remember having one of these Jaws costumes. They were nothing short of wonderful! The plastic tunic and the plastic mask with that lovely (I hope it doesn’t break!) elastic really was iconic to this age. Jaws was known to everyone of all ages and their was no Internet to spread the news back then! I do find it amazing how kids got in on the Jaws theme with these costumes when the movie was definitely not suited for “dem youngins’ due to the graphic nature of the film. In any case, I am personally terrified to this day of sharks in the water but will never lose my love for this film or ole Bruce! Huge thanks to Rich Hurly for sending this in! Oh yes, and these costumes were flame retardant….really???

More of Doctor Durant’s Sanctum costume videos here: