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StarPodLog Podcasts Website and all kinds of GREAT vintage stuff!!
StarPodLog Podcasts Facebook Group
Johnnie Schedrick’s MIB MASTER TOY MUSEUM on YouTube
The Mib Master Toy Museum on Facebook
Ray Castille’s BASEMENT OF HORROR on YouTube
Raymond Castile’s Basement of Horror on Facebook
Raymond Castille’s The Gallery of Monster Toys
Plastic Zombie Toys on Facebook
” data-type=”URL” data-id=”
” target=”_blank”>Roger Gilpin’s Facebook Group: We Are Mego (the original REAL one..not the knockoff one)MMR3Verse on YouTube
Open By Chance Toys on Facebook
Open by Chance Toys on YouTube
Doctor Durant’s Sanctum on YouTube

excellent source of information well done
Sounds very interesting
Hello, I have 1966 Topper Toys Tiger Tank which is missing the instruction sheet. I was wondering if someone who owns the same kind of Tank has the original instruction sheet and if they could please make me a copy of one, which I would be happy to pay for. Thank you for your help. Tino