The place: Paterson, NJ, the former sewing capital of the world. The time is the mid 1970s. A company called Singer Crafts voyaged into creating action figures/dolls based on rich historical American history during the birth of the United States, 1776. These 7″ characters use the same head for each male figure and the same body which only allowed movement of the arms up and down. Technically I would characterize these more as dolls, but the use of the same squishy type rubber head as those of the Heroes of the American Revolution figures, and even closer to the Spirit of 76 head molds. For that, I will classify them as suitable for as they are quite collectible too! One major difference with these figures is the rooted hair. Unlike the figures aforementioned, these figures have rooted hair in a few varieties making collecting them all a bigger challenge than you might expect. The figures each has a white plastic heart-shaped doll stand. The boxes are wrapped in cellophane.